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saving strategies on down payments for first time homebuyers
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Saving Strategies for a Down Payment on Your First Home 

Buying a home is a major financial milestone but often requires a significant down payment. For first-time homebuyers, saving up a down payment can be intimidating. However, with the right saving strategies and discipline, it’s an achievable goal. In this blog post, Amerant Bank explores various saving tactics to help individuals secure the down payment for their first home. 

Homeownership offers numerous benefits, from building equity to providing a stable living environment. Yet, the upfront costs of purchasing a home can present a significant hurdle, especially for those just starting. According to the National Association of Realtors, the median down payment for first-time homebuyers in 2023 was 7%, highlighting the challenge many face in amassing the recommended 20% to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). 

Setting a Savings Goal 

The first step in the home-buying journey is determining the target down payment amount. Typically, the recommendation is a 20% down payment to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI), but some lenders may accept lower down payments. The downpayment amount can vary depending on the location, the home’s price, and the type of mortgage a person pursues

Additionally, individuals should consider the costs associated with closing and moving, as these expenses can add up quickly. Closing costs, which include fees for things like appraisals, title insurance, and loan origination, can range from 2% to 5% of the home’s purchase price. Moving expenses like hiring movers, renting a truck, and purchasing packing supplies can also eat into savings. 

By setting a clear savings goal strategy that accounts for the down payment, closing costs, and moving expenses, individuals can create a roadmap to reach their home ownership dreams. The roadmap will help them track their progress and stay motivated throughout the savings process. 

Creating a Budget 

Effective budgeting is crucial when saving for a down payment. Individuals should start by evaluating their current income and expenses, identifying areas where they can cut back and allocate more funds toward their savings. Even small savings, from dining out to subscription services, can add up over time. 

Individuals should begin by tracking their spending habits over a few months. Tracking habits will give them a better understanding of where their money is going and where they can adjust. Once they have a clear picture of their spending, they can create a budget prioritizing their down payment savings. They should allocate a set monthly amount to their savings, treating it as a non-negotiable expense. 

Individuals reviewing their budget should look for opportunities to reduce discretionary spending. Can they cut back on dining out, entertainment, or shopping? Are there any monthly subscriptions or memberships they can cancel? By making these small sacrifices, they can free up funds for their down payment. 

Exploring Savings Options 

When saving for a down payment, individuals have several options to maximize their earnings. High-interest savings accounts, certificate of deposit (CD) accounts, and money market accounts are all viable choices to help their money grow. If you want to have effective saving strategies for down payments, this will be one of the must-haves.

High-interest savings accounts typically offer higher annual percentage yields (APYs) than traditional ones, allowing the money to compound more quickly. These accounts are generally liquid, meaning the funds can be easily accessed when making a down payment. 

Conversely, CD accounts offer a fixed interest rate for a predetermined period, usually from 3 months to 5 years. While the funds are less accessible during the CD term, the higher interest rates can make them an attractive option for long-term down payment savings. 

Money market accounts combine the liquidity of a savings account with the higher interest rates of a CD. These accounts often require a higher minimum balance but can provide a balance between accessibility and earnings potential. 

When evaluating these options, individuals should consider their home purchase timeline and their risk tolerance. The higher the interest rate, the more money can grow, but the tradeoff may result in less flexibility in accessing the funds. 

Maximizing Income 

In addition to cutting expenses, individuals should consider increasing their income through a part-time job or freelance work. Windfalls, such as tax refunds or bonuses, can also be a valuable source of down payment funds. 

Individuals should look for opportunities to pick up extra shifts at their current jobs or explore side gigs that align with their skills and interests. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.com can connect them with various freelance and contract work, from graphic design to web development. Even a few hundred dollars per month can make a significant difference in their down payment savings. 

When it comes to windfalls, individuals should resist the temptation to splurge. Instead, they should direct those funds into their down payment savings account. Tax refunds, work bonuses, and monetary gifts can provide a welcome boost to their savings efforts. 

Reducing Expenses 

Individuals should examine their monthly bills closely and see where they can negotiate lower rates or eliminate unnecessary spending. From negotiating with service providers to cutting back on discretionary purchases, every dollar saved can contribute to their down payment. 

Individuals should start by reviewing recurring expenses, such as their cell phone plan, cable or streaming services, and internet. Many providers are willing to offer discounts or promotions to retain customers, so they shouldn’t be afraid to pick up the phone and negotiate. They can also explore cheaper alternatives, such as downgrading their plan or opting for a less expensive internet provider. 

Next, individuals should examine their discretionary spending. Are there any subscription services they can cancel? Can they reduce the frequency of dining out or entertainment expenses? Even small cuts can add up quickly and free up funds for their down payment savings. 

Taking Advantage of First-Time Homebuyer Programs 

Individuals should explore local, state, and federal assistance programs designed to help first-time homebuyers. These programs can provide down payment assistance, closing cost support, or favorable loan terms to make homeownership more accessible. 
Many states and municipalities offer grants, loans, or tax credits specifically for first-time homebuyers. These programs often have income limits and eligibility criteria, so individuals should research the options available in their area. Organizations like the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) can be great starting points for their research. 

In addition to government programs, some lenders and nonprofit organizations offer down payment assistance. These can be grants, forgivable loans, or matched savings programs. Individuals should explore all the options and understand the terms and conditions before committing to a particular program. 

Investing Wisely 

While it’s important to prioritize down payment savings, individuals should consider exploring long-term investment options that can grow their funds over time. However, they should be mindful of the associated risks and carefully weigh the benefits against their timeline for purchasing a home. 

One strategy to consider is a Roth IRA. These retirement accounts allow the individual to contribute after-tax dollars, which can be withdrawn tax-free for qualified expenses, including a first-time home purchase. The potential for tax-free growth can make a Roth IRA a valuable tool in their down payment savings arsenal. 

Another option is a brokerage account, which gives individuals access to various investment options, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. While these investments carry more risk than savings accounts, they also offer the potential for higher returns over the long term. If the individual has a longer timeline for their home purchase, this could potentially accelerate their savings. 

Homeownership Is the Ultimate Goal

Regardless of the investment route chosen, individuals should consult with a financial advisor to understand the risks and ensure their investments align with their home-buying timeline and risk tolerance. 
Saving strategies for a down payment on a first home requires dedication and strategic planning, but the rewards of homeownership make it a worthwhile endeavor. By following the saving strategies outlined in this blog post, individuals can navigate the challenges and take the first step towards becoming proud homeowners. If they need further guidance, they shouldn’t hesitate to contact Amerant Mortgage’s team of Mortgage experts, who are ready to support them throughout their home-buying journey. 

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