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Personal Branding for Young Adults – From the Money Mini Camp Series  

Young adults are increasingly recognizing the importance of personal branding. But what exactly is personal branding, and why should it matter to you? Our Amerant Bank team members explored and presented the concept of personal branding to young adults in the community during the Alec Ingold Money Mini Camp Series benefiting the SOS Children’s Villages—Florida. At the event, foster teens and young adults learned about financial literacy, resume building, and other areas needed to succeed outside the foster care system, like personal branding.

This article originates from a presentation by Stephanie Hernandez, Marketing Website Operations Manager, Valentina Gomez, AVP Brand Manager, Naiviv Morera, VP, Head of Data & Analytics, for Alec Ingold’s Money Mini Camp event benefiting the SOS Children’s Villages—Florida. At the event, foster teens and young adults learned about financial literacy, resume building, and other areas needed to succeed outside the foster care system, like the basics of credit.

Understanding Personal Branding 

What is Personal Branding? 

Personal branding is the way an individual is seen, known, and perceived by others. It encompasses everything from one’s appearance and behavior to their online presence and professional reputation. In essence, it’s the unique combination of skills, experiences, and personality that one wants the world to see. 

Why Does Personal Branding Matter? 

A strong personal brand can be a powerful asset for young adults. It can help attract the right people, land coveted jobs or promotions, and forge connections that lead to new opportunities. In a world where first impressions are often made online, a well-crafted personal brand can open doors before you even step through them. 

Making a Stellar First Impression 

First impressions are crucial in personal branding, as they often set the tone for future interactions. Here are some quick tips for making a positive first impression: 

1. Maintain eye contact: This shows confidence and engagement. 
2. Be aware of non-verbal body language: Your posture and gestures speak volumes. 
3. Arrive early: Being punctual demonstrates respect for others’ time. 
4. Be proactive: Take initiative in conversations and situations. 
5. Remember names: Use people’s names when speaking to them, and ensure they know yours. 

Cultivating a Lasting Impression 

While first impressions are important, it’s the lasting impression that truly defines one’s personal brand. Here are key strategies for building a strong, enduring personal brand: 
Build on Your Strengths 
Identify what you’re good at and focus on honing these skills. Your strengths are the foundation of your personal brand. 
Acknowledge and Improve Weaknesses 
Recognizing areas for improvement is crucial. Once identified, work on these weaknesses to round out your skill set. 
Be Likeable 
Engage in genuine conversations and actively listen to others. People are more likely to remember and want to work with those they like. 
Maintain Authenticity 
Know who you are and stay true to yourself. Authenticity resonates with others and builds trust. 
Exude Positive Energy 
Remember, your energy introduces you before you even speak. Cultivate a positive, approachable demeanor. 
Set and Achieve Goals 
Actions speak louder than words. Set ambitious goals and work diligently to achieve them. 
Curate Your Online Presence 
Be mindful of what you post online. Ensure your digital footprint aligns with the personal brand you want to project. 

Navigating Social Media 

In the digital age, social media plays a crucial role in personal branding. Young adults should remember that the internet has a long memory, and what’s posted online can become a permanent part of one’s personal brand. 

The Dos of Social Media 

Young adults should feel free to share content related to: 
• Family and friends (including pets) 
• Social activities 
• Awards and accolades 
• Community work 
• Passion projects 
These types of posts can help create a well-rounded, positive online presence. 
The Don’ts of Social Media 
It’s wise to avoid posting about: 
• Fighting or conflicts 
• Illegal substances or activities 
• Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content 
• Personal information that could compromise privacy or security 

Embracing Personal Growth 

It’s important to note that personal branding is not a static concept. As young adults gain more life and professional experience, their personal brand may evolve. The key is to remain self-aware and open to growth. 
Personal branding is a powerful tool for young adults navigating the professional world. By focusing on making positive first impressions, cultivating lasting impressions, and carefully managing one’s online presence, young adults can create a personal brand that opens doors and creates opportunities. 

Remember, the most effective personal brand is one that authentically represents who you are while also showcasing your best qualities. As you embark on your personal branding journey, always focus on self-improvement and remain mindful of how others perceive your actions and words. With time and effort, you can develop a personal brand that not only represents you well but also helps you achieve your professional goals. 

    Miami Dolphins Fullback, Alec Ingold speaking at the Money Mini Camp Series.
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